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Myofacial Release in Ballantyne

Relaxing shoulder massage

Benefits of Myofacial Release and Chiropractic

Chiropractic offers preventive care to support good health and well-being.

At Ballantyne Advanced Chiropractic, muscle work is an integral part of many treatment plans. Subluxations, troublesome enough on their own, are almost always accompanied by tension or injury in your soft tissue: muscles, tendons, ligaments and fascia (connective tissue that permeates muscles and forms protective sheets throughout your body).

Soft tissue pain can actually spread because it causes protective muscle tightening in surrounding areas. Addressing soft tissue problems is an important part of chiropractic care. This is because muscles move joints, while ligaments and fascia support them.

If a subluxation is adjusted without addressing related soft tissue problems, you may still experience pain. In addition, your tight muscles and shortened fascia can pull your joint out of alignment again. If these conditions are present, Dr. Usher will discuss the appropriate treatment regimen.

Finding Relief

The relief found after an adjustment will frequently last longer when muscle tension is released that might otherwise pull your joints out of alignment again.

Contact Ballantyne Advanced Chiropractic today to schedule your appointment!



Myofacial Release Ballantyne, Pineville NC | (704) 541-7676